Maintenant ils peuvent venir
Regisseur/in: | Salem Brahimi |
Datum: | 2015 |
Sprache: | Französisch |
Kurztitel: | — |
URL: | Maintenant ils peuvent venir |
Rechte: | — |
Abstract: | Algeria, the late 80s. Idols of the past, such as socialism, are staggering. New idols rush in: capitalism made in IMF, islamism made in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. For Nouredine there is only one idol: his mother. And her decision is final: Nouredine will marry Yasmina who is supposed to teach him happiness. Together they will discover the horror of a country staggering into kafka-like absurdity and is falling into barbarity and fanaticism. |
Exemplar verfügbar: | Ja |
Verleih: | — |
Genre: | Drama, Kriegsfilm |
Format: | — |
Laufzeit: | 95 Min |